Posted on Oct 10, 2017

Media story from the Laurinburg Exchange:

The storytelling husband and wife, J.A. and Azalea Bolton, of Rockingham will release a collection of short stories at a reading Thursday at St. Andrews University.

The book titled “Just Passing Time Together” was produced through the St. Andrews University Press and is available on Amazon in E-book and print book formats.

The official release date coincides with a reading at the St. Andrews Writers’ Forum at the Ronald H. Bayes Lounge in Orange Hall at 8 p.m.

The stories are a rich blend of tall tales and poignant observations, according to Ted Wojtasik, editor of the SAU Press.

“Bolton as a small boy was brought by his father to hear stories told by old regulars at two country stores, one at each end of the same rural bridge. Bolton carries on the style of that oral tradition — of tales and tall tale… While we are laughing we are sharing a sense of humor that is older than we are,” said Thomas Heffernan, author most recently of Working Voices.


Original story from the Laurinburg Exchange can be found here.